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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  July 20, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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operahouse. they are expecting an overflow crowd of folks from the community, many of whom witnessed the shooting on saturday. it happened at a busy intersection at third street and oakdale. police say a man fired at officers into a crowd and police returned fire and killed 19-year-old kenneth harding of seattle. police have found traces of gunshot residue on his hands. they are running tests on a weapon to be sure it was the same weapon fired at the coffins. police chief greg suhr wants to present the evidence directly to the very people he has been meeting with the last couple of days and folks spent the last couple of years protecting when he was captain of the bayview station. >> to have an act of violence like this, even though i think the officers absolutely were doing what they were supposed to do, where they were supposed to do it and they showed great courage, it's really, really sad and i couldn't feel worse that that had to happen where it happened and i'll take all the painstaking measures i can
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to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> reporter: as mentioned, a group of demonstrators took over the streets for a while last night. they say they were here to represent the people of the bayview. they managed to disrupt muni buses and trains for a while and they also attacked elizabeth as she was interviewing some of the protestors as well as photojournalist patrick sedillo trying to rip the camera off his shoulder. the chief told me they have updated information. of the 43 demonstrate's rested, only 17 were from san francisco, only one, one is from the bayview of the 43 demonstrators arrested. we illustrate the fact that the police will be out here in numbers. they are very sensitive to the fact that a lot of people here are upset but they also say the chief says that group of people he referred to them as anarchists and that they don't represent the people of the bayview. >> you know, joe, last night a lot of protests happen in san francisco and bay area but last night was taken to a whole new
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level and it got very, very rowdy and upset. >> reporter: as a matter of fact, there have been some threats by that same group that they might be at it again, that they might be trying to attack the muni t line. now, the police and the city of san francisco say they have to take those threats seriously. they are just not sure if it's going to happen or if it will happen on the t line for that matter. >> absolutely. well, we will be there to see what happens. joe vazquez in san francisco, thank you. a mother fought off a woman who broke into her home and tried to snatch her toddler from her arms. san jose police say the suspect tried to lure the 3-year-old girl with candy outside her home on park avenue by meridien monday night. the little girl's sister brought her inside. then cops say myra flores forced her way into the home trying to kidnap the girl her mother and ran away. cops caught the 26-year-old a few blocks away. oakland police have arrested two men in connection with the death of a mother whose body was set on fire.
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now, officers say that their gang investigations task force spotted those men yesterday on macarthur boulevard near tilden school. they are considered persons of interest in the murder of monica rodas. her body was discovered in the rockridge neighborhood late last week. she leaves behind a 2-year-old son. in other bay area headlines, a two-alarm fire torched eight trucks at a mountain view u-haul facility last night. police evacuated a nearby housing complex because they were concerned about a 500- gallon propane tank which might ignite. >> we heard things blowing up and didn't know if it was, you know, gunshots on someone running into someone. but it kept happening, i guess it was tires exploding. >> not clear what started the fire but a spokesman for u-haul says gas thieves have been targeting those trucks for the past 10 months. a motorcyclist is dead following a multi-vehicle crash in santa clara today. it happened on 101 southbound near the san tomas expressway.
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it involved that motorcycle, a van and a car. the motorcyclist died it the scene. not clear if anyone besides the rider was hurt. two lanes were closed for three hours. the hikers who plunged 317 feet over a waterfall are identified as church-goers from the central valley. tonight park rangers are still searching for the three swept away by a river a yosemite national park. >> reporter: a hiker shows us pictures of vernal falls where three central valley visit went over the falls that drops more than 300 feet into raging white waters. rangers say 22-year-old more misses david and two others are presumed dead. >> once they went over the falls, it's impossible to survive a fall like this. >> reporter: when the trail of tourists got to the top of the
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1.8-mile hike, rangers say despite clear warning signs posted, the group decided to cross the metal barricade with a deadly drop just 25 feet away, one man fell in, another tried to save him, then another. >> it was a chain reaction. and all three were swept over the falls. >> reporter: searchers continue to comb the merced river corridor looking for bodies and clues like shoes or clothing. record snowfall created breathtaking waterfalls but sometimes vitters visitors underestimate the falls. >> it was slick rock and they swept away. >> if you follow the rules, there is no problem. >> reporter: hikers heard about the tragedy and some are taking it slow. >> you can see it's dangerous up there. it's kind of common sense not to go past the rails but some people they want a better picture. well, a setback for bryan stow. he was severely beaten in march and had to undergo emergency
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surgery. according to the family's website, fluid had built up and was putting pressure on his brain. that caused a 30-second seizure. doctors also had to remove a previously unseen growth. in late june, stow's condition was upgraded to serious but the prospects of recovery are uncertain. the reward though in the case is now up to $225,000 after l.a. supervisors added another $15,000 to the fund. today the giants gave a special honor to a teenager who came face to face with death. >> two years ago, doctors diagnosed 17-year-old alfonso garcia with a failing liver from wilson's disease. without a transplant, doctors gave him 48 hours to live. but they found him a donor in time. >> because of that gift, because someone saying yes to organ donation i'm alive today. >> at today's giants-dodgers game, a healthy alfonso threw out the first pitch. he now spends a lot of his free
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time educating kids and teenagers about organ donation. it's a hot commodity especially in areas where parking is a premium. but who is really using these? just ahead, the thousands of disabled parking placards that go to the dearly departed. no more naked images. what tsa is doing to phase out those graphic body scans. they are tempting offers but what happens when it's too much of a good thing? the backlash over daily deals. ,,,,,,,,,
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but thousands of them are getting pe it stands to reason dead people don't drive but thousands of them are getting permits for free parking every year in california. linda yee shows us what's behind the problem and how it -- how it opens the door to abuse. >> reporter: millions of placards are issued every year. not to say this one is used
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illegally but the dmv says placard abuse is a problem. the state takes some of the blame because they are sending out to people who died because they can't keep up with the actual death records. reporter: the state issues 2.1 million disabled placards a year. 50,000 of them are in san francisco alone. that's twice the number of available metered spaces. in just one block of 20 spaces in chinatown, 11 cars displayed disabled passes. they could all be legitimate. but complaints of placard abuse are on the rise. now it seems the state agency that issues these blue and red passes may contribute to some of the abuse. this year the department of motor vehicles discovered at least 60,000 passes went to people who died. it's not known how many actually got sent. >> we got another 100,000 of those placards sent back to us either undeliverable or unknown reasons. so we don't know about those people. >> reporter: dmv says the
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problem, they cross check with the state database with names of people who have died. but the statistics are two years behind. that doesn't explain why the dmv keeps automatically renewing david's mother's placard. she died nine years ago. >> i just think it's sad and i think they really have to work together. i mean, i know that the state is really hurting for money and they are trying to find money everywhere they can and this is a simple solution for that money to be saved. >> reporter: he doesn't use the placard. a year ago, cathy hutchinson of napa told cbs 5, she turned in her husband's placard when he died. >> but then three weeks later, i get in the mail all new giving me two more years of time for a placard that is for someone that's passed on. >> reporter: but in may, dmv sent her another renewed card, good until 2013. it's not known how many relatives or friends may be
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tempted to use these passes to get free specially designated parking. but the dmv says complaints of placard abuse are on the rise. in a statewide sting by dmv in may, 207 motorists were fined for illegally using the disabled placards. 17 of those violations were recorded during a baseball game at at&t park in san francisco. 12 of the placards were confiscated. now, dmv is looking for solutions so that they would quit sending out those placards to dead people. one solution is to tap into a private or maybe even a federal database for death records. the bottom line, however, is money. something the state has very little of. reporting live in san francisco, linda yee, cbs 5. soon no more naked images at airlines. the transportation security administration plans to install new software on scanning machines that will allow security workers to spot possible threats on passengers without having to view images of naked bodies. this comes after complaints
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that the current full-body scanners invade privacy. the upgrade will be installed at airports nationwide in the next couple of months. a form of flattery or a huge ripoff? an entire store full of fake apple products. that's coming up. the only one. the growing outrag netflix price change... and how you can no surprise, she is not the only one, the growing outrage over netflix price changes and how you can beat it. >> the calorie counter's worst nightmare. the worst of the gut-busting meals that you could be eating. from the cbs 5 weather center, good evening, everybody. skies are clear. temperatures soaring into the 90s. the repeat performance and then the day the cooldown begins as eyewitness news continues right here on cbs 5.
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saying is this outrageous price hike. >> reporter: it could be considered a big price hike or it could be called a good deal. no matter what it looks like the future. netflix is taking net flak. is raised prices 60% now about $16 month for unlimited movies screened and on dvd. >> i'm serious about it. i watch movies every day and the prices were so affordable. >> reporter: she's steamed and so were the emailers to cbs 5. no different than the greed of the gangsters on wall street. that sucks. i'm not a netflix subscriber and now i won't be for sure. >> i think anytime you increase someone's cost, especially that much of a percentage, it annoys them. >> reporter: boy, did it. a cnet poll found 55% of the 23 million customers say they will drop the service. >> i think people feel entitled to a pricing structure that's been in place for a long time.
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>> reporter: cbs technology analyst larry magid has netflix of course and about a dozen other similar services that a lot of people probably don't even know about. netflix certainly has no monopoly. his favorite new one, the >> what they are doing is getting around the rules. they actually physical mount a dvd player and stream it from a physical dvd at their server in sunnyvale. and they charge a buck a movie if you buy 10 at a time. >> reporter: netflix didn't respond to an email request for comment. but many analysts believe that it's trying to get out of the dvd business and push most of its customers to stream their movies on computer or on tv. >> vhs went away. cds are diminishing through downloadable music and streaming music. and eventually dvds will, as well. >> i really think that disks don't have much value in this day and age anyway. >> reporter: there are still customers like ted who say, boy, $16 for all the movies i
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want? that's still a great deal. >> if they can use the money to invest in better technology and more selections, and for instant uploads, for example, on my computer, that would be fine with me. >> reporter: and this afternoon actually we learned that the ceo of netflix admitted to motley fool that the company will invest most of the price hike in building its streaming technology. and cbs and amazon have jumped on the chance to capitalize on those angry netflix-ers. cbs just struck an estimated $100 million deal allowing amazon prime subscribers to instantly stream older cbs shows like frazi cheers and "star trek." mike sugerman, cbs 5. first there was one, now there are hundreds. we're talking about daily deal sites. who can complain about huge discounts, right? on the consumerwatch, julie watts explains why not everyone is happy. >> reporter: it all began with groupon back in 2008. and today there are more than 500 daily deal websites. but while they may be a steal
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for you, some say they are hurting the very businesses they are designed to help. reporter: when san francisco's fairmont hotel offered a groupon deal for its traditional afternoon tea, customers ate it up. >> so our first response is wow, this is fantastic. >> reporter: it sold 2700 groupon. so many, it had to extend the redemption deadline twice. and another problem? no shows. >> we were turning guests away on days that we were sold out, but then we would have about 0 no shows. >> reporter: and the deals are not necessarily money makers for the business. for instance, that bread and hoff brought in berkeley for every $0 groupon sold the restaurant gets 4.63 cents for every 20 sold. in some cases the customers suffer like christine who signed up for a groupon from a small stationary store in southern california along with 1,000 other people. but when she went in to redeem it, she got a not so warm welcome. >> are you a groupon? i said yes.
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and she goes, what a nightmare. >> reporter: the store couldn't handle the extra business. must miles an hour complained and so did the owner -- customers complained and so did the owner who said it was the worst decision she made. they blamed salespeople for letting her get overextended. >> the groupon sales rep are paid on commission as many sales reps are and it's in their interest to sell as many vouchers as they can. >> reporter: blogger and business analyst rocky agarawal believers the era of the daily deal may be peaking. he says there are too many sites and while the great deals tend to benefit the companies that sell them and the consumer, he says it's often the merchant that pays the price. >> unfortunately, that great deal is coming straight out of the pockets of merchants. >> reporter: now, groupon says while its salespeople do work on commission, every deal is carefully reviewed by managers with no financial interest. it also says it's up to the businesses to make sure they are not getting in over their
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heads. and keep in mind, california law does allow you, the consumer, to redeem these deals even after they expire for the price you paid. it's being called the best ripoff ever seen. a fake apple store that might have fooled the employees. it's in china where apple is experiencing incredible growth. workers have the familiar blue t-shirts, the apple logo. there is the classic apple winding staircase there. the products even seem real. it's not really clear if they are fake or not what gives the store away to at least one blogger the stairs were poorly made and the paint wasn't quite right. and the certain clue, apple never puts the words "apple store" on the front of any of its buildings. ever. well, we know what's not fake is this gorgeous weather! roberta is here to tell us more about it. >> a jump up in temperatures today, a good 10 degrees in many of our locations. good evening, everybody. let me just get out of the way so you can take a beautiful view from dublin inspiration
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circle looking towards mount diablo standing 3,849 feet tall and you can see it because the air quality is good and the visibility is unlimited. compare that with telegraph hill, where today so far in san francisco, the high has been near 70 degrees. and again, unlimited visibility. looking at our latest satellite we don't have any stratus off the coast at all. it's backed up way out over the outer waters. but we will see a return of the marine layer later overnight. if you are out and about within the next hour, 60s at the beaches, 70s bayside and 80s and even low 90s well inland. very mild conditions. winds are breezy out of the west at 15. here are the headlines for your weekend ahead. thursday, we are going to experience a carbon copy from today. friday 10 to 12 degrees cooldown. tomorrow's highs similar to today. we are talking mid-90s in
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livermore, concord and at the delta. mid- to high 80s around the peninsula. 86 in san jose which is just a couple of degrees above average and 71 degrees in san francisco. and it will be stratus-free. now, tonight overnight, into the 50s across the board with increasing cloud cover after midnight. clouds line the coast and right around the golden gate bridge and want to make tracks towards the east bay and then that's where they stop before they treat very rapidly for your friday. so your seven-day forecast does call for nothing but sunshine for the weekend albeit a little cloudy at the coast. cooler on the weekend but those numbers are quite seasonal. that is your pinpoint forecast. eyewitness news will continue right here on cbs 5 after this. ,,,,
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you can call them diet disasters. the food police named the worst gut-busting meals of the year. among the winners of these
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extreme eating awards, the cheesecake factory' cheeseburger with pork belly, mayo and a fried egg. that's a whopping 1500 calories, 36 grams of fat. a pv and c shake from cold stone creamery more than 2,000 calories and 3.5 days worth of saturated fat. food chains in california of course required to post calorie counts on the menu. not everyone is convinced that will change people's food choices. speaking of unhealthy foods, those with too little exercise equals a serious epidemic in type 2 diabetes even in children. dr. kim shows us now there's summer camp to help kids. reporter: it sure looks like summer camp. but it's a lot more than fun and games. welcome to mayfair's healthy challenge diabetes camp in san jose. it's a week-long experience for kids who either have or are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. >> my two grandmas, my two grandpas and my mom have
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diabetes. so i decided why don't i learn about it so i decided to come here. >> reporter: in addition to playing crazy games -- >> how about the honey nut cheerios? >> reporter: the campers were learn techniques to manage their health for the rest of their lives. like reading confusing food labels. the focus on fiber and sugar. >> honey nut cheerios is every day or sometimes? >> sometimes. right. >> right. >> reporter: thanks to a black sharpie they also get an eye- popping look at how much sugar is in popular beverages. >> they say there is this a grams of sugar, then it's cool to get to see how much there is. >> how about special k? >> reporter: the goal? start these kids early. >> if you start focusing a little bit more about what you put in your mouth, what's your menu, what are you eating, would you do unbelievable things for yourself and society. >> reporter: as well as getting off the couch.
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the hope that summer camp becomes a year-long experience in every child's home. now, the best diet for a child with diabetes is also the best diet for the whole family. with that in mind, the camp also offers two evening workshops for parents. the camp is free and made possible by the american diabetes association. and the city of san jose. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,
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at 6. a first of its kind study reveals just how many undocumented workers are living in the bay area. the really surprising thing, is where i'm dana king. at 6:00 a first--i


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